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Perry County Sheriff's Office

Report Phone Scams

Report Phone Scams

If you’ve lost money to a phone scam or have information about the company or scammer who called you, report it at

If you didn’t lose money and just want to report a call, you can use our streamlined reporting form at

Report the number that appears on your caller ID — even if you think it might be fake — and any number you’re told to call back. The FTC analyzes complaint data and trends to identify illegal callers based on calling patterns. We also use additional information you report, like any names or numbers you’re told to call back, to track down scammers.

We take the phone numbers you report and release them to the public each business day. This helps phone carriers and other partners that are working on call-blocking and call-labeling solutions. Your reports also help law enforcement identify the people behind illegal calls.

It's important to report phone scams to federal agencies.  They can't investigate individual cases.  But your report can help them collect evidence for lawsuits against scammers.

Report to the Tennessee State Consumer Protection Offices:

City, county, regional, and state consumer offices offer a variety of important services. They might mediate complaints, conduct investigations, prosecute offenders of consumer laws, license and regulate professional service providers, provide educational materials and advocate for consumer rights. To save time, call before sending a written complaint. Ask if the office handles the type of complaint you have and if complaint forms are provided.

State Consumer Protection Offices



    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    • Phone Number:  615-741-4737
    • Toll Free:  1-800-342-8385



    • Phone Number:  615-741-1671

The officials listed in this section regulate and supervise state-chartered banks. Many of them handle or refer problems and complaints about other types of financial institutions as well. Some also answer general questions about banking and consumer credit. If you are dealing with a federally chartered bank, check Federal Agencies.

{slider=Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions, Nashville, TN}



    • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Toll Free:


Each state has its own laws and regulations for each type of insurance. The officials listed in this section enforce these laws. Many of these offices can also provide you with information to help you make informed insurance buying decisions.

Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance, Nashville, TN


Phone Number:


Toll Free:


Each state has its own laws and regulations for securities brokers and securities - including stocks, mutual funds, commodities, real estate, etc. The officials and agencies listed in this section enforce these laws and regulations. Many of these offices can also provide information to help you make informed investment decisions.

Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance



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Phone Number:


Toll Free:


State Utility Commissions regulate services and rates for gas, electricity and telephones within your state. In some states, the utility commissions regulate other services such as water, transportation, and the moving of household goods. Many utility commissions handle consumer complaints. Sometimes, if a number of complaints are received about the same utility matter, they will conduct investigations.

Tennessee Public Utility Commission


Phone Number:


Toll Free:


