Perry County Sheriff's Office

Inmate Deposits

Communication with the outside world is important.  Your loved ones want to make sure you're safe, and spend time with you on the phone.  That's why the Perry County Jail offers telecommunications via email, texting, and phones.  Inmates are dependent on their friends and family during this time for both visitors and money.  

If someone is going to provide funds for an inmate, the first thing they will need is the inmate's number.  This is used to place funds directly into their account.


Commissary includes funds placed in an account for the inmate, to be used to buy items such as toiletries, food items, and any other commissary purchases the inmate may wish to purchase during their incarceration.  These would be items not provided by the Jail Administration.

JAILATM.COM  is a service provided to friends and family of inmates, a fast and convenient way to send money to inmates. When sending money, funds are made available to the inmates immediately after the credit card is processed.  There are several methods by which funds can be placed in this account:

  • Funds can be paid via credit card online at their website, JAILATM.COM.
  • You can also use cash or credit card at the kiosk in the lobby of the PCSO office.   However, the lobby is currently locked down due to COVID restrictions.  Call if you need assistance, (931) 589-8803.

The deposit is made by making use of "Mastercard, VISA, or Discover credit card or bank debit card. The transactions are chargeable for additional fees as accorded by the correctional facility. Any disputes regarding additional fees are strictly determined by the correctional facility, and not with Tech Friends, Inc. The services rendered by the website are considered to be final in any event. 



CPCJAIL.COM takes you to INMATESALES.COM where you will create an account.  It is a website for purchasing time on a device used for communication, whether it is for the phone, Chirps for texting, or email on a computer.

You can purchase a card for phone calls, either solely to anyone or a card with the restriction to one number as specified during purchase.  You cannot call for an inmate.  He/she must call you and to do that they will need funds deposited to CPCJAIL.COM.  


Texting is done on a device called Chirps.  Time is purchased, and a device is provided that has been linked directly to the inmate's account.  When the time is out, it stops working until more time is put on the account.  The jail does provide a charging station for the Chirps device. 


Email is another form of communication that can be purchased by or for the inmate.  

If you need help, call 1-877-998-5678, and phone time can be purchased on the phone, instead of the website.