Theft is Theft. $500.00 REWARD It is really sad that I have to post this, but obviously some people, never got taught...
Theft is Theft.
$500.00 REWARDIt is really sad that I have to post this, but obviously some people, never got taught right from wrong or simply don’t care.Theft is theft, I don’t care if it’s your class mates pencil or embezzling thousands from your employer.For sometime now, the Perry County Highway Department has worked hard, trying to post county road signs throughout Perry County, only to be stolen the next day. Some will stay up a couple days, then some only a few hours till they are stolen.Stealing these signs, not only makes it frustrating for citizens and tourist to navigate PC, but often times jeopardizes first responders, while they are trying to respond to an emergency.What if this emergency, was your house that was on fire? What if the emergency, was your family member, that needed that ambulance, in a life or death situation? What if this was your family, that had a home invasion and officers were trying to respond to a specific location?Some first responders, are not familiar with all of our roads throughout our large rural county.Keep that in mind, the next time you decide to steal govt property. You may have just hindered first responders, from saving a life. You may have just caused a multiple car accident, by stealing that stop sign, only to hang up in your bedroom, shop or man cave.In the event of a death, if proven, one could be held liable both criminally and civil. How deep is your pockets really? Do you really wanna go to prison for something like this?I know it may look cool, to display that sign in your favorite room, but to whose expense?If you really must have a sign, I’m sure Bug Eyed Signs would be honored to make you one for a fee. That’s right, I said fee. Not steal.This has really become a problem for our community and that’s why I’m posting a $500.00 reward, that will lead to the arrest of anyone in possession of Perry County road signs that have been reported stolen by both our cities and county. Hopefully, this will get the attention of a few and come forth with incriminating evidence, against those responsible. How many friends have you showed your prize theft of govt property to?Oh no! Don’t remember? I bet they do and that $500.00 just might be looking good to them.Sheriff Nick Weems