Perry County Sheriff's Office

Perry County Sheriff's Office Corrections Staff

The staff of the jail is comprised of corrections officers, Sergeant Carter and Jail Administrator, Captain April Morgan.  Perry County is blessed to have Capt. Morgan at the helm of the Jail, and in her five years with the County Jail, she has risen through the ranks to become the leading force behind the management of the jail and prisoner management two years ago.  In 2019 Capt. Morgan was named Outstanding Jail Administrator of the Year by the Tennessee Corrections Institute.

According to TCI's website, the Tennessee Corrections Institute is responsible for educating local correctional staff while providing and monitoring basic certification and annual in-service training for personnel within local adult correctional detention facilities.   Their organization holds their annual conference each year, but had to cancel it due to the effects of COVID-19.  The Sheriff's Office was very excited when the award was announced.

Left to right: CO Hunter Karpati, Chief Bart Rosson, Admin Secretary Hunny Thomas (retired), Sheriff Nick Weems, Jail Admin April Morgan, CO Amy Stockstill, CO Sherry Maza

In Perry County the Jail Administrator, Capt. April Morgan, oversees the prisoners with the aid of Sergeant Katherine Carter, and Correctional Officers:


Michael Landers
Jeff Adkins
Betty Lawson
Grant Mash

Sherry Maza
Hunter Karpati
Monica Johnson


Roger Treadwell
Laura Morgan 
Collin Jolliff
Charlie Gleason



The County Technical Assistance Services (CTAS) has set forth requirements for a jailor and correctional officers, and rather than list them here, we encourage you to visit their website Jailer Qualifications and Training Requirements.  

Perry County Jail is Hiring
Perry County Jail is Hiring
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Deputy Lauren Smoyer Joins PCSO
Employment Application Form
Employment Application Form
Donaldson is Academy Graduate
Donaldson is Academy Graduate
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